Tag: fildas

Fildas-Catena Group, BEST IN BUSINESS for training and development of human resources

Fildas-Catena Group, BEST IN BUSINESS for training and development of human resources

Fildas-Catena Group was conferred the “HR training and development award”, under the category BEST IN BUSINESS, distinction conferred during the Awards by the magazine Piaţa Financiară Gala for the year 2018. Fildas-Catena Group was chosen number 1 for HR training and development, due to its constant investment in its staff through programs designed to create dedicated professionals. One of these…

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Fildas Trading – in Top 500 Companies in Central and Eastern Europe, conducted by COFACE

Fildas Trading – in Top 500 Companies in Central and Eastern Europe, conducted by COFACE

Fildas Trading, a company specialising in the distribution of pharmaceuticals, entered the Top 500 of the largest companies in Central and Eastern Europe for the first time, conducted by Coface consultancy and economic analysis company, and recently released. Fildas Trading entered the 2016 top directly on the 355th place, leading the top of the 8 Romanian newcomers. According to Coface,…

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